- Write actual letters to family and friends.
- Learn calligraphy. YouTube can help.
- Learn how to knit or crochet.
- Video chat with your long-distance friends.
- Try out at-home aerobics or yoga videos.
- Look at yourself in the mirror. Attempt a self portrait with pencil and paper.
- Write a short story or get started on that novel.
- Try to reproduce something you see on Pinterest DIY section.
- Learn how to braid (fishtail, French, etc.) via YouTube tutorials.
- Go through your camera roll, pick your favorite pics from the past year and make a photo book or order framed versions online.
- Create a Google document of shows or movies you’re watching and share it among family and friends.
- Make a list of things for which you are grateful.
- Work on your financial planning, such as exploring whether to refinance your loans or ways to save more money.
- Play Words with Friends or Boggle with other clients.
- Make lists of all the museums, sporting events and concerts you want to visit when they finally reopen.
- Rearrange your furniture to make it seem like your room is a totally different space.
- Memorize the periodic table. You never know when that will come in handy.
- Start learning a new language with Duolingo or Memrise app
- Learn a new style of dance via YouTube, from bellydancing to breaking.
- Learn the words to “Tung Twista.” Get them so ingrained in your brain that you can rap them as fast as Twista can. Impress everyone.
- Been meaning to get some new glasses? Try on new frames virtually on sites like www.GlassesUSA.com.
- Attempt things with your non-dominant hand, from writing to brushing your teeth. Prepare to be frustrated.
- Learn origami. Make cranes for your loved ones.
- Stretch. Work on your flexibility. It’s possible to get the splits back, right?
- Try to speak in pig Latin. Or, “ig-pay, atin-Lay.”
- Write a song. If you want to make it about your time inside and put it to the tune of “My Sharona” and replace “Sharona” with “Corona,” do what you have to do.
- Study the art of beatboxing.
- Learn Old English words. Pepper them into your conversation. Wherefore not?
- Start listening to a podcast.
- Do a crossword/Sudoku puzzle.
- Start a blog.
- Make a travel bucket list.
- Send a Guardian Angel postcard to a loved one.
- Plan your next vacation down to the very last detail.
- Research volunteering opportunities in your city and mark down the most interesting ones.
- Create a shared playlist on Spotify and ask all the people you love to add a few songs to listen to in moments of melancholy.
- Keep a quarantine diary: it will be “fun” to read it again in a few years.
- Learn a poem off by heart.
- If you have a creative hobby like photography, painting, sculpture, writing, or graphic design, consider entering a competition.
- Update your resume and portfolio, so the next time you see a job listing that inspires you, you can be the first to apply.
- Open a second, themed IG account. Now is the time to get creative.
- Look up your mugshot on www.mugshots.com
- Watch a yoga tutorial and impress the other clients after lockdown.
- Download a meditation app and start meditating.
- Study. It’s now possible to take thousands of top-level courses online, completely free. You can even study at Harvard or Yale.
- Start vlogging your quarantine. It’s up to you whether you want to publish them or not, it will still make for entertaining personal viewing in the future.
- Learn how to recycle properly.
- Learn CPR and First Aid online.
- Become legally certified to officiate marriages.
- Watch an old cartoon you used to like when you were a kid
- Read your horoscope.
- Learn how to read the stars and planets.
- Learn some bird calls.
- Host a trivia game or join a random one online.
- Educate yourself about your favorite historical period.
- Play some pool, ping pong, or other virtual games with friends (app store).
- Look into your ancestry.
- Improve your posture.
- Set some positive goals.
- Learn survival skills.
- Reach out to another client and see how they are doing?
- Make a DIY advent calendar.
- Make the perfect paper airplanes.
- Make a music video for your favorite song.
- Visit a national park with a virtual tour.
- Learn how to code.
- Take free karate classes online.
- Take a self-portrait every day and make it into a video.
- Make a comic strip.